“Miss.” can be a title when you call me, and it can also mean not seeing or hearing something. When we need to face the vulnerability of human beings, how can we react? This is the first painting in my collection of “Balloons”, to explore humanity under the lens of modern society. I would like to share this journey with you.

Using a balloon as a metonymy of human essence, this painting explores the relationship and aesthetics between individuals and cyberpunk cities. The invisibility of the identity and the visibility of the human body reveal the vulnerability and impermanence of life in this digital era.
Acrylic on canvas.
50 x 60 cm.

Postgraduate Art Print Sale at the CSM XMAS GROTTO
MA Fine Art Digital students are again taking part in the print sale:
24-26 November 2023
Private View: 23 November from 18.00 to 20.00 UK time (everyone invited!)
Open to the Public: 24 – 26 November from 12.00 to 18.00
With over 100 limited edition A3 prints priced at £50, more of us can enjoy the gift of art at the GROTTO.